Friday, April 4, 2008

I never have a G.I. Joe when I need one

I think that one of my more favorite experiences was on drift two, down by Lake Michigan. I was walking on the sand along the snow fence when I started to notice how the wind had shaped the snow drifts and how they created contrast against the sand. Upon capturing this I started remember G.I. Joe commercials and how all the kids in the commercial always had these cool miniature landscapes to play with their figurines on. I never had a sweet miniature woods or desert scene in my house. My G.I. Joes would do battle on the couch or in the treacherous shag carpet fields. Finally I had discovered a landscape that even the commercial kids would be jealous of, but alas I did not have a G.I. Joe on me. I guess this made me realize that just by zooming in on specific features, you can really make the viewer or audience believe that they are somewhere else. In this case the audience would be just outside of Cobra Commanders arctic fortress.

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